I’m one of those persons who likes to bring as many grocery bags as I can from the car to the apartment. I clearly have an ego situation going for carrying Publix bags because even if my feeble hands are falling off, I’ll still offer to help other people with their bags too. I don’t have the strength for it, don’t have the space, yet I’m willing to strain myself to lift the burden from someone else.
The same irony holds true to our lives. What are you making space for ? Do you even have space for it? Today, I’m cleaning my closet. I have a bad habit of hoarding, by moving over important things in my closet, to make space for those old clothes that I don’t need.
Holding on for dear life to clothes and shoes that I have worn in over a year.
Fortunately, I’ve taken a different approach to my own life. My life is one place I intentionally try to eradicate clutter. Your mind, body and spirit is sacred. Your temple is your responsibility. If you try to hold space for every issue, every worry & every gossip that arises, you will be burdened and have no space to hold important things for yourself.
This goes hand in hand with self-awareness. If you don’t know who you are and what you truly care about, then you’ll easily be sucked into everyone’s lives. Time to de-clutter.
Have you ever been that friend that everyone comes to, just to leave their emotional baggage and go ? Do you have space for that ?
It’s okay have boundaries. It’s okay to not stretch your hands for every cry. It’s okay to value your well-being.
I had to train my mind not to hold unnecessary space. I easily remove myself from things that could disrupt my spirit. I don’t have the space for unnecessary feelings. I have emotional intelligence, but I can’t attend to everyone’s feelings about me. It sounds harsh but if you don’t take charge of your life and your emotions, then who will ?
If I feel like someone/something is leeching but not giving anything that’s fruitful, I remove myself because I don’t have the space.
A temple filled with everyone else’s clutter will definitively show on the outside. It induces stress, anger and bitterness. I know everyone is planning to have a Hot-girl summer (LMAO, y’all stallions crack me up) but don’t forget to de-clutter before you do and make space for things that truly matter.
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