Sunday, September 30, 2018

You are a BADA***- Jen Sincero Taught me

Did anyone dread this past summer? Me too! For the entire summer, I worked long hours just to return home exhausted, binge The Office on Netflix with a glass of wine in hand and go straight to bed. One evening I had an idea to search #summerreads on Instagram and I stumbled upon You are a Badass: How to stop doubting your greatness and start living an awesome life-- by Jen Sincero. I'm not sure if I desperately needed to change my life or I was just curious, but I bought the book the next day. I WAS NOT DISAPPOINTED! Jen Sincero was sent to remind us who the hell we are. It's so easy to forget, to doubt, to compare, to grow weary. Every time I feel an ounce of doubt I grab the book and read again.
My favorite section is Chapter 11: Your Brain is Your B***

Raw right? That's EXACTLY what I needed. No sugar coating.

This chapter reminds us that our minds are the most powerful tools that we possess. It is our very thought that creates our realities- I think, therefore I can. Author, Wallace Wattles states that "To think what you want to think is to think the truth, regardless of our appearances." How reassuring is that?! To realize that it does not matter what rut, what situation we are in at the moment, because how we perceive things or where we desire to be is our ultimate truth.
  Mind is the master power that molds and makes
And man is Mind and evermore he takes
The tool of Thought and, shaping what he wills
Brings forth a thousand joys, a thousand ills
He thinks in secret, and it comes to pas
Environment is but his looking glass.
- James Allen
We all can be given the same tools and resources to do well and yet, some might be lost on how to make it to the finish line, while others eventually get there. Why is that? It's because even if we all have the same desire to succeed and do amazing things, its a proper mindset that gets us to the finish line. Truth be told, I used to be afraid to kicka**, but then I realized that the people who truly believe in themselves, are passionate and have no limitations. They are the ones who make it far. Your thoughts shape your reality. Repeat  this every time you catch yourself slipping in what if's.

To support our reality, we should Act as if. What does that even mean? It does not exactly mean to pretend or to fabricate your life to be something it's not. It simply means that if you want something bad enough, then you'll believe it with all your heart. In this case, it's okay to fake it until you make it. Act as if it's happening right now. If you have a goal to be a doctor, get yourself a coat, a fake stethoscope if you must, and get ready for your dreams. Act as if being a doctor is your  reality at the moment. Your pockets might be saying otherwise and your grades might be screaming, but if you want it badly enough, you have to close out your circumstances and do your best to get to your destination.


Wheew! I cannot stress this enough! When you hang out with pessimists, whiners and freak-outers, it will be harder for you to stay positive. Personally, I dodge myself from freak-outers, because I hate to panic. You cannot think straight or make rational decisions by freaking out. I like to surround myself with level-headed, grounded persons, who can take a step-back and think clearly through a situation. Stay away from persons who limit themselves and feel comfortable with limiting you. These persons refuse to see their own potential and they will never acknowledge yours. Go out and find persons who make you feel like you can do insurmountable things.
If this post doesn’t make you feel bada*** or like you can conquer the world, I urge you to dive into Sincero’s book. You won’t regret it.

Love & Blessings 💗

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