Sunday, July 9, 2017

Dodging Dreamcrushers 🙅🏽

In the middle of my "me time", my nail tech started up a conversation. He had questions about my year, my major, where I'm from- nothing new, I'm used to it. I went into that building charged and ready for the day, only to receive bad vibes from someone I don't even know. This man asked me my plans only to try & convince me over & over that they would not work. Luckily, I defended myself & many others who have had to face people like that. 

"If you can't beat fear, just do it scared"

Leading up to my senior year, I've had to block myself from "dreamcrushers". Negative comments, pessimistic remarks, & uncertainty are things that are never needed in your ear. Firstly, ensure that you aren't a dream crusher of your own dreams. Putting yourself down will only give permission for others to do the same. Secondly, have a positive and encouraging circle. Keep distance from those try to make you feel unsure of yourself or less than you are. If it doesn't encourage you to do better, then you don't need to absorb it.

Persons will tell you that you cannot do something, simply because they cannot do it themselves. People will plant fear in you in hopes that you don't go after what you want with the diligence that they wish they had. Regardless, be confident in your abilities & let your whatever you're passionate about, drive you to do what others think to be impossible. Let these words penetrate every time you hear something negative. Remain consistent, persistent and remember that hard work & positivity will get you further in life, than "what ifs" ever will. 


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