Friday, November 10, 2017


2017, as I would always say, was "a WHOLE joke". This gif was me everyday this year. Yes, I'm exaggerating because I had triumphs, but lawwwd some days of this year made no kind of sense. I am so happy that I started this semester with much enthusiasm, because It has given me sufficient encouragement. Yes, I love to motivate my readers, but.. what happens if things don't go exactly as planned? What happens if you try, try, TRY again, but you .. FAIL. Yes, I don't believe in claiming L's, but this blog is about transparency, so take a breath and Relax. You will try, and you might fail, but It is okay.

I listen to the Podcast "Cool Soror" with Rashan Ali. It refreshes every single time! I learned from an interview with Dr.Kimberly Manning that you can have a Fixed Mindset or a Growth Mindset. The Growth Mindset is where even if you fail and things don't go perfectly, you look at everything as an opportunity & it's potential. A Fixed Mindset is that your success becomes defining of who you are & so when you fail, you unravel. I wasn't exactly instilled with a Growth Mindset, because My mother didn't always given room for failure. I had to instill that mindset in myself while in college, reminding myself that if i didn't win, it was okay, because eventually, I would.  I've learned to praise myself for the efforts I've made

1. Put it rest and try another day

Overworking and overthinking does not make it better. If it's not going as planned, it's okay to stop, relax and try again another time. 

2. Don't be afraid to ask for help

If you have a spirit of independence like I do, asking for help will be your last resort. However, sometimes it is better to ask for help from someone with experience, than to be clueless and make the same mistakes more than once.

3. Fear of Failure:

Some of us, truthfully speaking, just cant afford to fail. Literally. If you had all the money in the world, you probably wouldn't make the extra effort that you make now. That should give you enough motivation to go the extra mile and persevere through every obstacle that presents itself. While everyone is up to other things, it is up to you to stay up and burn the midnight oil. How bad do you want it ? 

"The heights of great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they while their companion slept, were toiling, working, through the night" 

Furthermore, fear and faith can't remain in the same place. Sometimes it gets the best of us who are hopeful in our plans for the future but it is important that we learn to trust the process. Think of all the times you thought it didn't work out and it did ! Don't let that F word hold you back. 

4. Learn from it

I could write a book about all the lessons of my collegiate years. I didn't have it all together all the time, but I learned from each mistake that helped to build my work ethic. I became more prepared, more mature & I worked harder. There is a lesson in every situation, no matter how minuscule it may appear. "That didn't go as planned.. but what should I do next time ? How can I do it better ?"

5. Don't let failure crush your self-esteem

You are not defeated! Give yourself time to process things but don't be too hard on yourself. Remind yourself that you are capable to do much more than you cqn ever imagine & as Dr. Kimberly Manning said from the podcast, commend yourself for all efforts you've made. There are many who have not had the opportunity to get this far, so be proud of yourself ! 

Thursday, August 10, 2017

How to Stay Motivated

The video above is definitely my anthem for the year. I listen to it every morning to get me started off to a productive day & to get me ready for taking W's. (The only L's we take around here are lessons.) If you haven't heard it before, go ahead and enjoy. You're welcome.

I am in my final year of college and Lord knows I don't know where the time went. When I came here as a freshman, the only thing I was worried about was finding my way to Target (LOL), now here I am being an adult, preparing for my whole life after Undergrad. How did I even get here? Four years of being on my own away from my family took more than just "being an adult", it took a lot of motivation. It took countless self-affirmations, because while everyone else could go home to their parents after a bad week, I could not. I had to be pick up myself and push through.

Staying Motivated:

1. Thoughts, become things

To say that I don't get de-motivated sometimes and have my moments, would be unrealistic. I worry like everyone else, I panic and I have my moments where I tell myself that it won't work. I give myself some time to have my moment (in private), but I do not dwell on negative thoughts. I try to master the art of controlling my emotions, even when things do not go my way. Self-affirmation is always, ALWAYS helpful. Remind yourself that you are much more capable than you believe and make it a habit to be your biggest cheerleader. Let your positive thoughts outweigh your negatives, because there is always something promising to look forward to.

2. Be cognizant of your circle

Motivational speaker Jim Rohn says, "You are an average of the five people you spend the most time with". In some cases, this might not be true, because you can come from a place of traditional set backs, but still rise out of it and be successful. However, the kind of persons you spend time with can make an impact on the 'way that you think, your self-esteem and your decisions'. (A. Groth). It's not if your circle is motivating you, it's WHAT your circle is motivating you to do. They can either motivate you to be messy or they can motivate you to stay on top. They can motivate you to hateful and bitter or they can motivate you to clap for others. My personal preference is a circle of women who are not easily intimidated. They know that there is room for every woman to win. I prefer a circle that is about their business or one that is constantly improving. That kind of attitude will motivate me to do the same.

3. Find others who inspire you

Whether it is someone you know personally, or someone you only know through social media, find persons who inspire you in the areas that you're most interested in. For those who have entrepreneurial minds, find boss-like people who you admire and can learn from. These are the people that prove that the things that you aspire to do, can be done.


Those successful persons who started from the bottom and have gotten to where they are now, are there because they have put in the work. There are a billion and one books of excuses but you cannot afford to get comfortable with being incompetent. Where you are now does not have to be exactly where you want to be, but you must put in the action in order to go forward. We cannot only pray for something and expect God to do the rest. His part of the deal is already done. It's for us to do the work, even when we don't feel like it.

5. Be good to yourself and find time to relax

This one can be hard for persons like me, who are always on the go. (What is life lol). Nevertheless, its important to dedicate some time to unwind. Your body needs time to rest, relax or de-stress, in order for you to give your best physically, spiritually, emotionally and mentally. We know what all work and no play does to Jack.

I hope that you see yourself as a winner everyday. If you don't feel that way at the moment, I hope the small accomplishments that you make remind you that you're a champion. I hope you stay motivated because you taking the time to read my blog is great motivation for me, so Thank you.

Love and light.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Dodging Dreamcrushers 🙅🏽

In the middle of my "me time", my nail tech started up a conversation. He had questions about my year, my major, where I'm from- nothing new, I'm used to it. I went into that building charged and ready for the day, only to receive bad vibes from someone I don't even know. This man asked me my plans only to try & convince me over & over that they would not work. Luckily, I defended myself & many others who have had to face people like that. 

"If you can't beat fear, just do it scared"

Leading up to my senior year, I've had to block myself from "dreamcrushers". Negative comments, pessimistic remarks, & uncertainty are things that are never needed in your ear. Firstly, ensure that you aren't a dream crusher of your own dreams. Putting yourself down will only give permission for others to do the same. Secondly, have a positive and encouraging circle. Keep distance from those try to make you feel unsure of yourself or less than you are. If it doesn't encourage you to do better, then you don't need to absorb it.

Persons will tell you that you cannot do something, simply because they cannot do it themselves. People will plant fear in you in hopes that you don't go after what you want with the diligence that they wish they had. Regardless, be confident in your abilities & let your whatever you're passionate about, drive you to do what others think to be impossible. Let these words penetrate every time you hear something negative. Remain consistent, persistent and remember that hard work & positivity will get you further in life, than "what ifs" ever will. 


Saturday, May 13, 2017

Yes, I'm Intentional 🏆

When Olympic gold medalist, Simone Biles was critiqued by judges for not smiling after being complimented, her answer was, "Smiling doesn't win you gold medals". Who are we to tell a successful Olympian about winning? 💁🏽 Gon' head girl! Of course, twitter had a grand time with their reactions. 

While she was being critiqued on not smiling, she chose not to smile--- intentionally.  She knew exactly what she was doing & why. No one had to tell her to do it another way. 

This Spring semester was perhaps the most difficult. I had to learn that I couldn't "wing it" or reign the queen of procrastination anymore. I had to have a sense of structure & organization. Although I survived at the expense of many things, the fact is: I excelled. 

"We ask ourselves, 'who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be ? - Marianne Williamson.

At the beginning of the semester, I promised to make a vision board. That board was never bought and those pictures were never printed 😩 LOL. However, I kept all those goals in the back of my mind. When I found the pictures, I really had to ask what this introverted person was really doing. Every doubt & and critique about my personality that was ever made resurfaced my mind. But then I remembered that there was potential in me that I have never shown in college and so I blocked my ears, closed my eyes, got my mind in gear and went full speed. I organized almost everyday what I had to do and where I had to go. Many assignments were missed *tears* and some nights I didn't rest my head but I knew I had to make it to the finish line. Busted knees, bruises, parched and all. It was in my intention to give it all I had. 

"Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you"- Marianne Williamson.

This time around was not about me standing in the background as I usually do, to let others bask in the moment. I have my slice of humble pie each day, but I had to learn to not play small in order to let others feel "bigger" or "more comfortable" around me. This meant: no more shrinking. Always learn that not shrinking, is okay. If you lose friends because you stop shrinking, then they were never your friends to begin with. Those who genuinely love you, will always root for you 💕. 

Let no one advise you into thinking that whatever you set your mind to is too big. Be intentional in how you live your life every single day. The days of going with the flow don't serve purpose to people who have business to take care of. Remember that it is okay if others do not understand what you are doing, because it is never for them to understand. This is your personal journey and you need not explain every plan. Most importantly, remember to trust the process even if it's not going as planned, be open to learn from others who have gone before you and realize that you can only be intentional because you serve an Intentional God. 

Go out there and conquer ! 🌸

Sunday, February 26, 2017


Seeing that absolutely no woman is perfect, it is in our nature to be insecure, competitive, even attention seekers. I've never been a competitive woman, but perhaps if I had that attribute, I would have pushed for goals way more. However, I do think its so very important to stand secure as a female, because when you are secure in yourself, you are not easily led, neither are you easily moved by every negative thing that is said about you. You are not easily distracted.

What I would wish for is that we get rid of the Spirit of Proving. Proving that we good enough, smart enough, capable enough. People have the spirit of proving because they are unsure of themselves and they need validation from others. If you are sure of yourself, then what do you have to prove?

How about we address the attributes of a secure woman?
A secure woman doesn't feel the desire to fit in
She is not afraid of her purpose
She admits her flaws and is always open to working on them
She listens
She does not need an entourage and is empowered by going out on her own
She does not take things personally, because she knows that she cannot control other people's emotions.
A secure woman applauds and uplifts others, because she knows that recognizing someone else's beauty, will not dim her own shine

Every woman is a work in progress. Each day is a new chance to create and sculpt ourselves in what we want it to be. Always strive to let your abilities naturally speak for themselves, without going out of your way to prove yourself to others. The only validation you'll need is your own. Walk in your own truth and live a life the way YOU see it fit.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Image result for pink vision boards

The new year has started and I've yet to start my vision board. I had many goals to print and paste and I even got my boyfriend to agree that we'd do one together. I haven't even bought the damn board yet lol. Is it that I'm lackadaisical or am I just afraid to put the board together because I'm afraid dream big ? As soon as the new year started, I began to reflect and pick a part all the things I haven't accomplished or mastered yet. It can feel like I'm "not going fast enough" or I'm just taking baby steps. My parents always express how proud they are of me, but what if I feel as though I haven't even done anything yet ? What have I really done that most persons haven't? Of course, I have the "I want more" syndrome--- Not more material things, but more plans ticked off my list. I feel like I have a long way to go and I haven't even started yet. How do you pace yourself in an environment that seems to be going faster than you? What do you lack?

For me, for example, I realize that I lack strong faith and preparation.
However, failure to plan results in a plan to fail. You've come too far to ONLY come this far. Right?

Having to remind yourself to go confidently and boldly towards the direction of your dreams is okay. Drill it as many times as you can. Some of us like myself have amnesia or are stubborn, so we slip up from time to time.

Set serious plans
Make moves everyday that will help move closer towards your plans
Work twice as hard as you play
You are CEO of your life and your outcomes are up to you

So what are you gonna do? Let's start by making that vision board ;) .