Friday, March 8, 2019

Let's be real, How do you define YOU? : INT'L WOMEN'S DAY

I distinctly remember my experience in high school. (ALL girls high school. Ugh lol). Not only were hormones bouncing off the walls, but I was always nervous. Good Lord! Nervous about what I could do, if I could even do it and if others thought I could do it. And when I say "it", I mean anything at all. In high school the main reason I did not reach my maximum potential was because I allowed others to define me, I grasped the labels as teenage girl and carried it on my shoulders.

"Too quiet"
"Too shy"
"Too soft spoken"
"Too reserved"

None of these things were necessarily true, but I held on to them because I believed them to be. Unfortunately, it wasted my time and held me back from being the leader that I was meant to be.

If someone  told me that I would have been this great today, I would have laughed at the thought of it.

Be careful of how you allow others to define you
Now that I know better, I set boundaries don't entertain others who may think that they have the privilege to define my identity and worth. I steer away from friendships where persons feel comfortable enough to tell me what I should do. I don't ask, I just get up and go for it!

Although I shared my experience of the weaknesses that I faced in my younger years, I still find that adults are trapped in this lifestyle of needing others to tell them who they are- Trapped in friendships that do not allow them to take amazing opportunities, try exciting things, explore themselves or their environment. When you allow others to define you, it can affect your thoughts, feelings and actions. If you ever find yourself in relationships that make you feel confused about your identity, leave them immediately.

Be careful of how you define your destiny by what you THINK you are not.

Societal pressure forces us to make definitive statements over their lives--- "Well, I'm not articulate enough for that, I'm not smart enough, not thin enough. Just not enough."

What a negative way to live. Please note that negative thoughts happen to everyone, even the most self-assured. The tricky is thing is that what ever we think, is what we become. Therefore, the reason you may not be excelling at a task, is because you keep manifesting that you are not good at it. Defining yourself as having several limitations, when you are in fact limitless.

The things that  make you feel inadequate can be your teachers. What is this LACK teaching you at the moment? Perhaps, how to make the best out of your current situation before you can be elevated to the next level.

Believe completely in yourself, even when it feels like you don't know what you are doing.
Trust in your capabilities.
Tell yourself that you are smart enough, you may just need to put in the extra work.
You are CEO of your life. You define yourself, so be mindful of who you let speak things over your life, then fire and hire accordingly.

If you're reading this and realize that you have been unknowingly (or knowingly) allowing others to tell you who you should be, then its' time to wake up and live.


Today I honor all women who have beaten all odds, remained strong and have continued to share their stories of how we can all succeed.
We reflect on the fact despite what we endure, we are AMBITIOUS, COURAGEOUS, RESILIENT, INSPIRING, ENTHUSIASTIC, POSITIVE and RADIANT!
Special love goes to Melodee and Deidre, who have been supportive and amazing women in my life.

Keep being a light!