Saturday, May 13, 2017

Yes, I'm Intentional 🏆

When Olympic gold medalist, Simone Biles was critiqued by judges for not smiling after being complimented, her answer was, "Smiling doesn't win you gold medals". Who are we to tell a successful Olympian about winning? 💁🏽 Gon' head girl! Of course, twitter had a grand time with their reactions. 

While she was being critiqued on not smiling, she chose not to smile--- intentionally.  She knew exactly what she was doing & why. No one had to tell her to do it another way. 

This Spring semester was perhaps the most difficult. I had to learn that I couldn't "wing it" or reign the queen of procrastination anymore. I had to have a sense of structure & organization. Although I survived at the expense of many things, the fact is: I excelled. 

"We ask ourselves, 'who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be ? - Marianne Williamson.

At the beginning of the semester, I promised to make a vision board. That board was never bought and those pictures were never printed 😩 LOL. However, I kept all those goals in the back of my mind. When I found the pictures, I really had to ask what this introverted person was really doing. Every doubt & and critique about my personality that was ever made resurfaced my mind. But then I remembered that there was potential in me that I have never shown in college and so I blocked my ears, closed my eyes, got my mind in gear and went full speed. I organized almost everyday what I had to do and where I had to go. Many assignments were missed *tears* and some nights I didn't rest my head but I knew I had to make it to the finish line. Busted knees, bruises, parched and all. It was in my intention to give it all I had. 

"Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you"- Marianne Williamson.

This time around was not about me standing in the background as I usually do, to let others bask in the moment. I have my slice of humble pie each day, but I had to learn to not play small in order to let others feel "bigger" or "more comfortable" around me. This meant: no more shrinking. Always learn that not shrinking, is okay. If you lose friends because you stop shrinking, then they were never your friends to begin with. Those who genuinely love you, will always root for you 💕. 

Let no one advise you into thinking that whatever you set your mind to is too big. Be intentional in how you live your life every single day. The days of going with the flow don't serve purpose to people who have business to take care of. Remember that it is okay if others do not understand what you are doing, because it is never for them to understand. This is your personal journey and you need not explain every plan. Most importantly, remember to trust the process even if it's not going as planned, be open to learn from others who have gone before you and realize that you can only be intentional because you serve an Intentional God. 

Go out there and conquer ! 🌸