Monday, January 23, 2017

Image result for pink vision boards

The new year has started and I've yet to start my vision board. I had many goals to print and paste and I even got my boyfriend to agree that we'd do one together. I haven't even bought the damn board yet lol. Is it that I'm lackadaisical or am I just afraid to put the board together because I'm afraid dream big ? As soon as the new year started, I began to reflect and pick a part all the things I haven't accomplished or mastered yet. It can feel like I'm "not going fast enough" or I'm just taking baby steps. My parents always express how proud they are of me, but what if I feel as though I haven't even done anything yet ? What have I really done that most persons haven't? Of course, I have the "I want more" syndrome--- Not more material things, but more plans ticked off my list. I feel like I have a long way to go and I haven't even started yet. How do you pace yourself in an environment that seems to be going faster than you? What do you lack?

For me, for example, I realize that I lack strong faith and preparation.
However, failure to plan results in a plan to fail. You've come too far to ONLY come this far. Right?

Having to remind yourself to go confidently and boldly towards the direction of your dreams is okay. Drill it as many times as you can. Some of us like myself have amnesia or are stubborn, so we slip up from time to time.

Set serious plans
Make moves everyday that will help move closer towards your plans
Work twice as hard as you play
You are CEO of your life and your outcomes are up to you

So what are you gonna do? Let's start by making that vision board ;) .