Monday, September 19, 2016

Honesty "makes it work"

I'm asked all the time how I make it work with my partner. Truth be told, I am no relationship guru. Sometimes I don't know what the hell I'm doing and sometimes I got an attitude problem so I don't want to be bothered. But what I do know is that this is the best relationship I have ever been in and now I know what it means to not just "love" but to be in love. The only way I ever achieved this was by being honest with myself. 
We cannot expect honesty from another, if we are not honest with ourselves. Be real about who you are and what you want from a partner. Most of the times, with men, what you see is what you get. If a man wants a trophy wife, accept it for what it is. Do not go into a relationship thinking that you can change a man's perspective. If a man is not respectful to women in general (eg: he thinks women are "bitches") , most likely, you won't be an exception and he won't respect you either. 
Most importantly, do not expect charctieristics of MEN from boys. There is a clear difference between the two and if you are not honest enough to admit, then you will choose grown boys for the rest of your life. MEN are responsible, respectful, they are leaders, truthful, thoughtful and make time for you the best they can. boys, however, (and the word "boys" is in common letters because this what they are- common) are selfish, disrespectful towards your feelings and time, full of excuses and rarely take anything seriously. If you like to play games as a girl then by all means play with the boys. Maybe it's not your time to become a woman. However, if you say you are a woman, and you desire a gentleman, then you must be careful of how you portray yourself. This generation is so obsessed with being "bad bitches" then get angry when all the "dogs" come running. Present yourself the way you would like to be addressed or approached. You always attract what you reflect. If you don't hold yourself to a standard, then who will ? 🤔
Men know what they want and their actions always show it. Bring your standards to the table and if his doesn't match up, then there is no reason to compromise. If we are truly honest with ourselves, we would save ourselves the heartache. Been there, done that, wore the t-shirt and burned that shxt. 
Be honest with yourself and watch your outcomes change and unfold beautifully. 

Friday, September 16, 2016

Truly make it count

I've learnt, perhaps too late, that while on this earth, your time is extremely important. We all seem like slaves, working tirelessly in order to keep up with Master Time, that we forget the reason for life. 
For the past two and half years, my family and I have been rocking through something that taught me an important lesson: "Although time is the master, it is up to you to appreciate life and everyone who appreciates you". It's easy to forget to be a little kinder, love a little harder and forget what wrong was done. Many find joy in being petty and we tend to use our resources for the wrong things. What a waste ! 
I want to experience things and close my eyes and hope to remember it always. To think to myself , "I have not only existed, but I have lived. I want to feel this part my life forever" . What are you using your time to do ? How do you make others feel in your presence ? Time is the master and the clock is ticking .. It's time to truly do more positive and meaningful things. Let your time on earth be one of admiration and honor. 💛

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Do you promise to stay in your lane ?

My parents often ask me about my other friends or acquaintances. They ask how they're doing, what they're doing in school and where they are. Sometimes, I genuinely don't know the answer about my friends' progress and my parents get irritated and ask how can I not know. It is simply because I don't care. I know my lane and I stay in it.
This is not to seem selfish or to seem like I don't care about my friends, because most of them hold a place in my heart and are only a text away, BUT I can't let it be my burden to keep up with what everyone is doing specifically. 
I have made it my duty not to look over my shoulder at what everyone else is doing or trying to achieve, but to focus on my own only. Inspiration and motivation from others is good, but if you constantly try to look left or right in a race, you are doubtful and will not win. 
I promise to focus on what I have to do because saying that "I was waiting to see what everyone else was doing", cannot and will NOT ever be an excuse. I will not do it how my friends did it, but I will do it my way. 
Eyes straight ahead 
Tunnel vision 
Staying in my lane