Wednesday, August 24, 2016

What to you do when it doesn't come through ? 🤔

You've worked hard, you've prayed , you've kept positive. What's left to do so that you see the results that you've hoped for ? 
Throughout your wait, -relax, think and recognize how far you've come. Where you are now (whether or not you believe you should be more advanced) is all a part of your destiny. 
Everyone moves at their own pace and you must respect your rthym. Comparison is the theif of joy, and so you must keep focused on your progress, rather than someone else's. You have no idea of what they did and went through to get to where they are. If you are not careful, you may end up being envious of another person, yet you cannot handle the work that they put in to get to their level. 
Keep a pure heart and always be happy for others. Whatever is inside is what shows on the outside and what you portray to the universe is what it sends back to you. 
Be patient, life is never a race. 
Your time will come, love. 

Friday, August 12, 2016

Survival 101 🌻

What are the things you'd like to accomplish? 
Places you'd like to see ? 
You become occupied with everything around you, measuring up with what you see, instead of remembering the true meaning of life. 
The next time you become too overwhelmed, remembered that it probably won't even matter in 5 years ! 
Cherish those who love you, appreciate life, breathe -
LIVE ! 🌸