Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Choose one ☝🏽️

This summer has been a summer of fear and complacency. The mental strength that I had during last semester dwindled because I've questioned every and anything before using faith. 
I hate being too comfortable, because things never get done from comfort zones. I'm thankful to get back into the rthym of classes so that I can be kept on my toes. 
Why do we let fear overtake us? Do we not know how capable we are? Do we forget sometimes that we are powerful beyond measure ? If God hasn't given us a spirit of fear but of power, love and sound mind, thennnn why do we doubt ? If he takes care of the very birds of the earth, why wouldn't he take care of us ? 
Whatever it is that you are worrying about will all work out for your best. Cast fears aside because faith and fear can't be in the same place. 
Which one will you choose ? 

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Affirmations 💌

We strive to be kind to others , to strangers , but how often are we kind to ourselves ? How often are we careful of what we speak over ourselves and consider our own feelings ? We're willing to compliment others but how often do we compliment ourselves ? 
Positive affirmations, as we know, are healthy any kind of relationship. It allows the other person to be reassured that they are loved, appreciated + cared for. Just as how they seek reassurance, we too deep down seek that affirmation from ourselves. 
Everyone can be their own biggest critics. We question if we're doing enough and we're hard on ourselves when we don't meet deadlines. 
This blog is here to remind you to be patient and kind to yourself . Handle yourself with the best care. Pressure helps us to get things done on time but too much pressure will have us over a cliff. Don't rush things because what is meant to happen, will and what is meant for you will never pass. 
It's time to look in the mirror and remind yourself who is the S.ugar H.oney I.ce T.ea. Remind yourself that you are courageous, strong and resilient . You're already doing a good job. Keep going ! ❤️